Our Story
Our story with GSPs began one fall when I was out hunting pheasants along a ditch bank and wading through grass higher than my waist. I could hear pheasants running away through the grass then would almost step on another that would make me jump as it exploded out of the grass. As I continued to trip over dirt clods hidden in the grass, I started to think about how people breed dogs to do the job that I was doing. I started thinking about how nice it would be to have a hunting companion that could quickly cover the uneven terrain and tell me where the birds were.​
My wife and I both grew up with dogs, and when we moved to Southern Idaho I decided I needed a bird dog. We started researching hunting breeds. I wanted a dog that could hunt all day, but with my wife pregnant with our first child, we also needed a dog that could be gentle and fun. We bought our first GSP, Remi, in April 2010, and our oldest daughter was born the next month. It seemed like everywhere we took the two of them, we would get comments on our beautiful baby, and our beautiful dog. We fell in love with the GSP quirks like doing a summersault into your lap or going on point at anything that moved. Remi had good instincts, and learned to be a great bird dog.
As Remi aged, she was​ still a great family companion, but wasn't up for long hunting trips any more. After a busy year including building a new home, and moving three times we finally felt like we had the time to train another pup. We got Maggie in the spring of 2022, and she has been a great companion for our family. She is gentle, and can handle being dog piled by our kids. She loves to play and be goofy, but when she sees me loading hunting gear she won't let me out of her sight. ​​​
With the support of several great friends who have been breeding dogs for years, we decided to start our own breeding program. We are excited to help others find the perfect companion for their family, and our kids think having a bunch of puppies around is a pretty good perk too!

Please contact us to reserve a puppy, or if you have any questions.